
From Encyc

Autism is a mental condition that represents a person with widely different thought patterns and ability to learn than most people (described as neurotypicals). People with autism can be described as robots or aliens, in that they have no Id, with nothing coming to them naturally. Aside from that, they can learn things to an excellent level, and in their chosen field can be expert, sometimes to a much greater level than others are capable of, because in some cases Id can distract from learning potential. To differentiate between low-functioning and high-functioning autism, a new condition, called Asperger's syndrome was theorised, which essentially is high-functioning autism, in other words people with autism who can walk, talk and generally function in society. People with low-functioning autism have difficulty speaking or communicating throughout their entire lives. One famous person who is widely believed to have had autism is Albert Einstein (although autism did not officially exist when Albert Einstein was alive).

Autism can be treated through medication to suppress the desire to obsess, although this can also lessen the ability for an autistic to achieve as highly as they otherwise would; hence many psychiatrists do not recommend it. The obsessions with an autistic person are usually a good thing, the main problem being other people reacting to them as if they were bad.

Autism can also be treated through therapy, with various rules and regulations set up by a counsellor to help them to cope in life. They must be taught in a different way because they will take longer to learn things, but once learned will learn at very rapid rates. They are not handicapped at all, but rather learn in a different way. Whilst traditional teaching relies on students having a starting point, this is not true of autistics. Autistics must start with no starting point (unless they had previously learned one). Autistics have no Id. Nothing comes naturally to Autistics. They must learn everything.

The typical autistic person craves facts and figures, trying to make sense and order of themselves, of their lives, and of the world around them. Hence they will adore such things as a phone book, dictionary, encyclopaedia, or the Guinness book of records.

Whilst stereotypically an autistic will be good at Maths, this is not always the case. An Autistic might obsess about any topic at all, and could be a fantastic scientist, the best pilot in the world, a great swimmer, or any area whatsoever.

Whilst the majority of the population hates autistics and makes fun of them no end, calling them "weird", a proportion of people love them, loving their ability to focus, to excel to greater levels than others are capable of. As such, a number of people end up copying behaviours and mannerisms of autistic people, and adore the idea of them.

Discrimination of autistic people exists on the internet if anything more than in real life, with places like Wikipedia actively discriminating against them, especially including Malber. Encyclopaedia Dramatica also goes to lengths to make fun of them, calling people with Asperger's syndrome "Ass pies".

Autistics naturally will make the best Wikipedia editors, with their obsession with detail, intensity about dealing with facts and intention to find out the maximum possible amount about a topic. The problem is that autistics generally are hopeless in social situations (unless learned, although that is rare) due to the absence of Id, and because of Wikipedia's insistence in having a social aspect, they usually find themselves banned. Snowspinner for example declared that all autistics should be automatically banned from Wikipedia.

Autistics have difficulty keeping a job as well, due to their social problems, although they can succeed to a great level in certain positions, especially when their condition is understood.

Autistics who use the internet routinely find themselves banned from a variety of places, especially anywhere that includes any social aspect. Not because they would ever break any rules - because autistics generally don't like breaking rules - but rather because they are too weird or too different. This is of course illegal, per anti-discrimination laws, but they always find some way around it.