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Encyc is a free wiki encyclopedia similar to Britannica, World Book, and the other great wiki, Wikipedia. Welcome to our site.

From today's featured article

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone. He was born in Scotland. He made the first telephone call in 1876. He patented the telephone, and founded Bell Telephone company.

He lived in the United States.

He preferred to use the word "Ahoy" to greet someone on the telephone vs. Thomas Edison who preferred "Hello".

He also invented the metal detector and the audiometer.

Did you know ...

  • ... that Can I borrow a feeling is Milhouse's dad's album, which was released on cassette tape?
  • ... that Sing-Sing were an English indie pop/dream pop band formed in 1997 in London?
  • ... that a magic wand is a fictional tool that is shaped like a small stick and can be used to do magic?

About Encyc

Main article: Encyc:About

Encyc was established in 2008. :) We would like to thank all of our users for their contributions and support. We couldn't have done it without you. (block of cheese). We have two mascots. The Encyc sloth is named Pancake. The Encyc dolphin is named Butterfly.

Everyone is welcome to read and participate here. Please be aware that like most other wikis we make no guarantee of validity. Read our disclaimer before using this website.

Deep thoughts by Enki

"He who knows but does not speak is a fool." - Sumerian proverb