
From Encyc

Atlantis is mentioned in Greek mythology as an island that subsequently fell into the sea. It is similar to the Christian biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, which also fell into the sea.

Whilst both of these areas are generally regarded as myths, stories told in order to symbolise and teach, some regard Atlantis to have been a real place, which may one day be found somewhere in the ocean. Atlantis, in comparison to Sodom and Gomorrah, has many more people actively searching and theorising where it might be.

Some speculate that Atlantis could be an island-continent, like Australia, which sank due to a great earthquake. The Azores islands would be the highest peaks of the continent which are not submerged in the ocean.

Another idea is that an earthquake which happened in Santorini, a Greek island, could have inspired Plato in his tale about Atlantis.