
From Encyc

Boromir is a Lord of the Rings character. He was one of Gondor's leaders, the elder son of Denethor, the Steward. He was sent to the Council of Elrond to represent Gondor, and traveled a great distance to be there.

Although generally good-hearted and principled, he was frustrated by Gondor's losing fight against the forces of Sauron and felt abandoned by the rest of Middle Earth. He also was suspicious of Aragorn's claim to the throne, although he eventually accepted it.

He joined the Fellowship of the Ring and formed friendships with them. He trained the young hobbits in martial arts and fought bravely in Moria. They eventually traveled to the west bank of the Anduin River, where he succumbed to the Ring and tried to take it from Frodo. He almost immediately repented, and fought valiantly to protect Merry and Pippin from a band of Uruk-hai, losing his life in the process.