Chinese Localization
The objective of Chinese Localization is to convert a software application which is primarily in English into Chinese or some other languages.
Steps to Follow[edit]
- Install Chinese fonts onto your machine. Make sure you have Simsun Font on your machine. You can find this font in the C:\WINNT\Fonts directory.
- Type the word that you need to localize in Chinese in notepad and save it.
- Convert the word into GB18030 format.This is done by using the following command:
native2ascii -encoding GB18030 inputfilepath outputfilepath
- The inputfilepath is the Chinese text file that you saved earlier.
- The outputfilepath is the text that you get in GB18030 format. For example the file contains text as \U5645 \U1423.
- You can run this command in the path where you have installed JDK. for Example c:\jdk1.3\bin
- Place the converted words(in GB18030 format) in property files where the appliation refers to display the contents in the application.
- Change the display font that your application use to Simsun.
Other Localization[edit]
- Follow the above steps and only change is the format you use.