Lowest common denominator

From Encyc

Lowest common denominator is a term that is used in mathematics, specifically in fractions. This term is also used in terms of tabloid news and internet smear campaigns to describe various acts of discrimination.

In mathematics[edit]

Some fractions can be described in simpler forms. For example, the fraction 5/10 has an equivalent of 2/4 or 1/2. Whilst they all have the same decimal worth, the 1/2 term is considered to be simpler. In this case, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator. 2 is the lowest common denominator for 5/10 because it is the lowest denominator that leads to an equivalent term.


The term "lowest common denominator" is often used to describe the method that tabloid news and internet smear campaigns use to try to propagate hatred and to lead to people being hurt.

Basically, people who appeal to the "lowest common denominator" are people who appeal to someone's nastiest and simplest side. They will appeal to hatred of blacks, Jews, asians or any other race that is hated by groups of people. They will offer any forms of discrimination that they can find, and push it further.