Template:Authority control/doc

From Encyc


Template:Details This metadata template links Wikipedia articles to various library (and other) catalogue systems, for biographies and other topics.

This template draws most of its values from Wikidata, but they can be overridden by locally entered data. Adding the data to Wikidata is preferable.

If there is no information in Wikidata for the specific subject, an empty instance of this template will be dormant, meaning it will be invisible on the rendered page. Thus, using this template on a page with no authority information is harmless.

An empty instance of this template stays dormant in an article, until values are added to Wikidata, when it will then display them, so this template should be added to all biographies, whether or not there are authority control identifiers in Wikidata already.

User pages[edit]

The template may also be placed on user pages, but then data must be entered locally.

Data types[edit]

Wikidata content is used as fallback for all identifiers.

The template validates digits for all values and shows an error if the check fails.

Wherever possible, the template also generates a link to WorldCat Identities, using VIAF or LCCN values, or manually via |WORLDCATID=.


As a metadata template, the Authority control template should be placed after the external links section and navigation templates, right before the categories.


As a rule of thumb: (1) insert the empty version, (2) click "Show preview" to see which sources are automatically pulled from Wikidata, (3a) if you know more sources, add them in the template using their named parameter, (3b) alternatively, consider adding them to the article's "Wikidata item", so that all versions of Wikipedia will automatically benefit.

Empty (reliant wholly on Wikidata)
{{Authority control}}
Selective suppression via blank parameters (reliant on Wikidata, except the suppressed parameters)
{{Authority control |VIAF= |LCCN= |WORLDCATID=}}
Full (may not be up-to-date)
{{Authority control |VIAF=xxxxxx |LCCN=n/xx/xxxxxx |ISNI=xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx |ORCID=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx |GND=xxxxxx |SELIBR=xxxxxx |SUDOC=xxxxxxxxx |BNF=xxxxxx |BPN=xxxxx |RID=xxxxx |BIBSYS=xxxxx |ULAN=xxxxx |HDS=xxxxx |LIR=x |MBA=xxxxxx |MGP=xxxxxx |NLA=xxxxxxx |NDL=xxxxxxxx |NCL=x |NKC=aaxxxxxxxx |Léonore=LH/xxxx/xx |SBN=IT\ICCU\AAAA\xxxxxx |RSL=xxxxxxxxx |Botanist=A.a. |USCongress=Axxxxxx |BNE=XXxxxxxxx |CINII=DAxxxxxxxx |TLS=Aaaa_Aaaa |SIKART=xxxxxxx |KULTURNAV=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx |LNB=xxxxxxxxx |NSK=xxxxxxxxx |RKDartists=xxxxxx |IAAF=xxxxxx |ACM-DL=xxxxxxxxxxx |Autores.uy=xxxxx |BALaT=x |Bildindex=x |DBLP=xxx/xxx |Joconde=xxxxxxxxxxx |NARA=xxxxxxx |PIC=x |RKDID=xxxxxx |SNAC-ID=xa}}
The following data sources are accepted (may not be up-to-date)
Parameter Scope Name Search Remarks
VIAF People Virtual International Authority File [1] International authority data from the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
LCCN People Library of Congress Control Number [2] See Wikipedia:Authority control#LCCN for formatting instructions
ISNI People International Standard Name Identifier [3] ISNI is a method for uniquely identifying the public identities of contributors to media content such as books, TV programmes, and newspaper articles. Please take care not to confuse ISNI and ORCID identifiers.
ORCID People ORCID [4] Authority data on researchers, academics, etc. The ID range is a subset of the ISNI range. For free text links (for example when mentioning a person on page which is not about them), it is also possible to use {{ORCID}}. Authors—including Wikipedia editors—may obtain an ORCID by signing up at orcid.org/register. Please take care not to confuse ORCID and ISNI identifiers.
GND All Integrated Authority File (Gemeinsame Normdatei) [5] [6] Authority data on people, corporations and subjects from the German National Library (DNB)
SELIBR People LIBRIS [7] Authority data from the National Library of Sweden
SUDOC People Système universitaire de documentation [8] Authority data of people listed in the general catalogue of the University Documentation System of France. Also available from English-speaking catalog (search author, click one book, click author name, take PPN= value of the URL)
BNF People Bibliothèque nationale de France [9] Authority data of people listed in the general catalogue of the National Library of France
BPN People Dutch Biography Portal (Biografisch Portaal) [10] Dutch project with material for 40,000 digitized biographies, including former colonies of the Netherlands.
RID People ResearcherID [11] An identifying system for scientific authors. The system was introduced in January 2008 by Thomson Reuters. The combined use of the digital object identifier with the ResearcherID allows for a unique association of authors and scientific articles.
BIBSYS People BIBSYS [12] [13] BIBSYS is a supplier of library and information systems for all Norwegian university Libraries, the National Library of Norway, college libraries, and a number of research libraries and institutions.
ULAN Artists Union List of Artist Names [14] ULAN is an online database using a controlled vocabulary currently containing around 293,000 names and other information about artists. Names in ULAN may include given names, pseudonyms, variant spellings, names in multiple languages, and names that have changed over time (e.g., married names).
HDS Historical Dictionary of Switzerland [15] Historical Dictionary of Switzerland is an encyclopedia on the history of Switzerland.
LIR Historical Dictionary of Switzerland § Lexicon Istoric Retic [16] Lexicon Istoric Retic (LIR) is a two volume version with a selection of articles published in Romansh.
MBA Artists MusicBrainz Artist ID [17] MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public.
MGP Mathematics Genealogy Project [18] Mathematics Genealogy Project is a web-based database for the academic genealogy of mathematicians.
NLA People or groups National Library of Australia [19] NLA Trove’s People and Organisation view allows the discovery of biographical and other contextual information about people and organisations. Search also available via VIAF.
NDL People National Diet Library [20] Authority data listed in the catalog of the national library of Japan. Search also available via VIAF.
NCL National Central Library National Central Library is the national library of Taiwan, Republic of China.
NKC National Library of the Czech Republic [21] National Library of the Czech Republic (Národní knihovna České republiky) is the central library of the Czech Republic.
Léonore Base Léonore [22] Léonore database (Base Léonore) is a French database that lists the records of the members of the National Order of the Legion of Honor.
SBN Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (ICCU) Servizio bibliotecario nazionale (SBN) [23] Central Institute for the Union Catalogue (ICCU: Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico) is an Italian government agency created to build a single catalog of all the libraries in the nation. It manages National Library Service (SBN: Servizio bibliotecario nazionale).
RSL Russian State Library [24] Russian State Library (Российская государственная библиотека) is the national library of Russia.
Botanist Author citation (botany) [25] Author citation (botany): standard form (official abbreviation) of a personal name for use in an author citation (only for names of algae, fungi and plants). Links to page at International Plant Names Index (IPNI).
NARA National Archives and Records Administration [26] National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records.
USCongress Biographical Directory of the United States Congress [27] Biographical Directory of the United States Congress is a biographical dictionary of all present and former members of the United States Congress and its predecessor, the Continental Congress. Also included are Delegates from territories and the District of Columbia and Resident Commissioners from the Philippines and Puerto Rico.
BNE Biblioteca Nacional de España [28] National Library of Spain (BNE: Biblioteca Nacional de España) is a major public library, the largest in Spain.
CINII CiNii [29] CiNii is a bibliographic database service for material in Japanese academic libraries. It is maintained by the National Institute of Informatics.
TLS Theaterlexikon der Schweiz [30] Theaterlexikon der Schweiz (TLS) is an encyclopedia about theatre in Switzerland. It was developed by the Institute of Theatre Studies of the University of Berne.
SIKART SIKART [31] SIKART is a biographical dictionary and a database on visual art in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is published online by the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIAR).
KULTURNAV KulturNav [32] KulturNav is a Norwegian cloud-based software service, allowing users to create, manage and distribute name authorities and terminology, focusing on the needs of museums and other cultural heritage institutions. The software is developed by KulturIT ANS and the development project is funded by the Arts Council Norway.
RKDartists Artists Netherlands Institute for Art History § Online artist pages [33] RKDartists is an online database using a controlled vocabulary currently containing around 200,000+ names and other information about artists. Names in RKDartists may include given names, pseudonyms, variant spellings, names in multiple languages, and names that have changed over time (e.g., married names).
RKDID Art RKDimages ID [34]
autores.uy Authors autores.uy [35] autores.uy is an author's database, that focus on Uruguayan authors. It was created and maintained by the Uruguayan chapter of Creative Commons. It also provides access to digitized works of the authors in public domain.
PIC Photographers Photographers' Identities Catalog [36] PIC is a photographer's database. It is maintained by the New York Public Library.
IAAF People International Association of Athletics Federations [37] The IAAF athlete database lists information about sport of athletics competitors.
ACM-DL People ACM Digital Library [38]
BALaT People or groups or art d:BALaT [39] Belgian Art Links and Tools
Bildindex Art Marburg Picture Index [40]
DBLP Publications DBLP [41]
Joconde Art Joconde [42]
LNB People National Library of Latvia [43]
NSK National and University Library in Zagreb [44]
SNAC-ID People or groups Social Networks and Archival Context [45]

The following data sources are deprecated

and will cause articles to be added to hidden tracking sub-categories of Category:Wikipedia articles with authority control information:

Deprecated parameters
Scope Name Remarks Tracking
GKD Corporations Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei
(now part of GND)
Authority data on corporations from the German National Library (deprecated, please use GND) Tracking for all deprecated IDs
PND People Personennamendatei
(now part of GND)
Authority data on people from the German National Library (deprecated, please use GND) Tracking for all deprecated IDs
SWD Subjects Schlagwortnormdatei
(now part of GND)
Authority data on subjects from the German National Library (deprecated, please use GND) Tracking for all deprecated IDs
NARA-organization Organizations NARA-organization
(now simply NARA)
Authority data on organizations via federal records (deprecated, please use NARA) Tracking for all deprecated IDs
NARA-person People NARA-person
(now simply NARA)
Authority data on people via federal records (deprecated, please use NARA) Tracking for all deprecated IDs


Victor Hugo:

{{Authority control |VIAF=9847974 |LCCN=n/79/091479 |ISNI=0000 0001 2120 0982 |GND=118554654 |SELIBR=206651 |SUDOC=026927608 |BNF=cb11907966z |BIBSYS=90054094 |ULAN=500032572 |HDS=011461 |MBA=c0c99c8f-4779-4c35-9497-67d60a73310a |NLA=35212404 |NDL=00443985 |NKC=jn19990003739 |Léonore=LH/1320/26 |SBN=IT\ICCU\CFIV\000163 |RSL=000081185 |BNE=XX874892 |CINII=DA00460099 |RKDartists=40381 }}

Alexander Graham Bell:

{{Authority control |VIAF=59263727 |LCCN=n/79/113947 |ISNI=0000 0000 8138 6064 |GND=119408643 |SUDOC=066924146 |BNF=13746617f |MBA=9dd93d09-24b4-41f1-a48b-ef48b07499c3 |NDL=00620343 }}

Harry Forbes Witherby:

{{Authority control |VIAF=66861474 |LCCN=n/87/142671 |ISNI=0000 0001 0911 2808 |GND=117421863 |SUDOC=090162897 }}

Wikidata and tracking categories[edit]

The template can get its information from the following properties on Wikidata:

Lua error in Module:Authority_control at line 802: too many expensive function calls.

Additional tracking categories[edit]

This template may add the following categories:

Error reports[edit]

See the monthly error report for this template.


The template wraps each UID value with the HTML markup: <span class="uid">...</span>, which enables the first-found value to be included in an hCard microformat. For that reason, VIAF, where present, is emitted first.

See also[edit]


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Authority control in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for Authority control

<templatedata> {

       "description": "A template to link Wikipedia articles to various library catalogue systems",
       "params": {
               "VIAF": {
                       "label": "VIAF",
                       "description": "International authority data from the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC).",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P214"
               "LCCN": {
                       "label": "LCCN",
                       "description": "Library of Congress Control Number.  See Wikipedia:Authority control#LCCN for formatting instructions.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P244"
               "ISNI": {
                       "label": "ISNI",
                       "description": "International Standard Name Identifier is a method for uniquely identifying the public identities of contributors to media content such as books, TV programmes, and newspaper articles.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P213"
               "ORCID": {
                       "label": "ORCID",
                       "description": "Authority data on researchers, academics, etc. The ID range has been defined as a subset of the forthcoming ISNI range.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P496"
               "GND": {
                       "label": "GND",
                       "aliases": ["GKD", "PND", "SWD"],
                       "description": "Authority data on people, corporations and subjects from the German National Library.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P227"
               "SELIBR": {
                       "label": "SELIBR",
                       "description": "Authority data from the National Library of Sweden.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P906"
               "SUDOC": {
                       "label": "SUDOC",
                       "description": "Authority data of people listed in the general catalogue of the University Documentation System of France.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P269"
               "BNF": {
                       "label": "BNF",
                       "description": "Authority data of people listed in the general catalogue of the National Library of France.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P268"
               "BPN": {
                       "label": "BPN",
                       "description": "Dutch project with material for 40,000 digitized biographies, including former colonies of the Netherlands.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P651"
               "RID": {
                       "label": "RID",
                       "description": "An identifying system for scientific authors. The system was introduced in January 2008 by Thomson Reuters. The combined use of the Digital Object Identifier with the ResearcherID allows for a unique association of authors and scientific articles.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1053"
               "BIBSYS": {
                       "label": "BIBSYS",
                       "description": "BIBSYS is a supplier of library and information systems for all Norwegian university Libraries, the National Library of Norway, college libraries, and a number of research libraries and institutions.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1015"
               "ULAN": {
                       "label": "ULAN",
                       "description": "ULAN is an online database using a controlled vocabulary currently containing around 293,000 names and other information about artists.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P245"
               "HDS": {
                       "label": "HDS",
                       "description": "Historical Dictionary of Switzerland is an encyclopedia on the history of Switzerland.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P902"
               "LIR": {
                       "label": "LIR",
                       "description": "Historical Dictionary of Switzerland: Lexicon Istoric Retic (LIR) is a two volume version with a selection of articles published in Romansh.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P886"
               "MBA": {
                       "label": "MBA",
                       "description": " MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P434"
               "MGP": {
                       "label": "MGP",
                       "description": "Mathematics Genealogy Project is a web-based database for the academic genealogy of mathematicians.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P549"
               "NLA": {
                       "label": "NLA",
                       "description": "Authority control number issued by the National Library of Australia.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P409"
               "NDL": {
                       "label": "NDL",
                       "description": "Authority control number issued by the National Diet Library (National Library of Japan).",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P349"
               "NCL": {
                       "label": "NCL",
                       "description": "National Central Library is the national library of Taiwan, Republic of China.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1048"
               "NKC": {
                       "label": "NKC",
                       "description": "National Library of the Czech Republic (Národní knihovna České republiky) is the central library of the Czech Republic.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P691"
               "Léonore": {
                       "label": "Léonore",
                       "description": "Léonore database (Base Léonore) is a French database that lists the records of the members of the National Order of the Legion of Honor.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P640"
               "SBN": {
                       "label": "SBN",
                       "description": "Central Institute for the Union Catalogue (ICCU: Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico) is an Italian government agency created to build a single catalog of all the libraries in the nation. It manages National Library Service (SBN: Servizio bibliotecario nazionale).",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P396"
               "RSL": {
                       "label": "RSL",
                       "description": "Russian State Library (Российская государственная библиотека) is the national library of Russia.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P947"
               "Botanist": {
                       "label": "Botanist",
                       "description": "Author citation (botany): standard form (official abbreviation) of a personal name for use in an author citation (only for names of algae, fungi and plants). Links to page at International Plant Names Index (IPNI).",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P428"
               "NARA": {
                       "label": "NARA",
                       "aliases": ["NARA-person", "NARA-organization"],
                       "description": "National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1225"
               "NARA-person": {
                       "label": "NARA-person",
                       "description": "National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1222",

"deprecated": true

               "NARA-organization": {
                       "label": "NARA-organization",
                       "description": "National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1223",

"deprecated": true

               "USCongress": {
                       "label": "USCongress",
                       "description": "Biographical Directory of the United States Congress is a biographical dictionary of all present and former members of the United States Congress and its predecessor, the Continental Congress. Also included are Delegates from territories and the District of Columbia and Resident Commissioners from the Philippines and Puerto Rico.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1157"
               "BNE": {
                       "label": "BNE",
                       "description": "National Library of Spain (BNE: Biblioteca Nacional de España) is a major public library, the largest in Spain.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P950"
               "CINII": {
                       "label": "CINII",
                       "description": "CiNii is a bibliographic database service for material in Japanese academic libraries. It is maintained by the National Institute of Informatics.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P271"
               "TLS": {
                       "label": "TLS",
                       "description": "Theaterlexikon der Schweiz (TLS) is an encyclopedia about theatre in Switzerland. It was developed by the Institute of Theatre Studies of the University of Berne.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1362"
               "SIKART": {
                       "label": "SIKART",
                       "description": "SIKART is a biographical dictionary and a database on visual art in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is published online by the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIAR).",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P781"
               "KULTURNAV": {
                       "label": "KULTURNAV",
                       "description": "KulturNav is a Norwegian cloud-based software service, allowing users to create, manage and distribute name authorities and terminology, focusing on the needs of museums and other cultural heritage institutions. The software is developed by KulturIT ANS and the development project is funded by the Arts Council Norway.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1248"
               "RKDartists": {
                       "label": "RKDartists",
                       "description": "RKDartists is an online database using a controlled vocabulary currently containing around 200,000+ names and other information about artists",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P650"
              "autores.uy": {
                       "label": "autores.uy",
                       "description": "autores.uy is an author's database, that focus on uruguayan authors. It also provides access to digitized works of the authors in public domain.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P2558"
              "PIC": {
                       "label": "PIC",
                       "description": "Photographers' Identities Catalog (PIC) is a photographer's database. It is maintained by the New York Public Library.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P2750"
              "ACM-DL": {
                       "label": "ACM-DL",
                       "description": "Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library (ACM DL) author identifier.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P864"
              "BALaT": {
                       "label": "BALaT",
                       "description": "Identifier for images in the Photo Library database of BALaT (Belgian Art Links & Tools), maintained by KIK-IRPA, Belgium's Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P3293"
              "Bildindex": {
                       "label": "Bildindex",
                       "description": "Picture index of art and architecture.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P2092"
              "DBLP": {
                       "label": "DBLP",
                       "description": "Identifier for person entries in the DBLP (Digital Bibliography & Library Project) computer science bibliography.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P2456"
              "IAAF": {
                       "label": "IAAF",
                       "description": "Identifier for athletes in International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) database and website.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1146"
              "Joconde": {
                       "label": "Joconde",
                       "description": "Identifier in the Joconde database of the French Ministry of Culture.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P347"
              "LNB": {
                       "label": "LNB",
                       "description": "Identifier assigned by the National Library of Latvia.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1368"
              "NSK": {
                       "label": "NSK",
                       "description": "Identifier for an item in the National and University Library in Zagreb (including leading zeroes).",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P1375"
              "RKDID": {
                       "label": "RKDID",
                       "description": "Identifier per RKDimages of the Netherlands Institute for Art History.",
                       "type": "number",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P350"
              "SNAC-ID": {
                       "label": "SNAC-ID",
                       "description": "Identifier for items in the Social Networks and Archival Context system.",
                       "type": "string",
                       "default": "Wikidata property P3430"

} </templatedata>

External links[edit]

Maintenance reports