Web 2.0

From Encyc

Web 2.0 is the world wide web in the last few years, which relies heavily on user-generated content and dynamic pages. This contrasts with the early web, which consisted of static HTML pages written by individuals or small groups.

Critics bemoan the loss of originality, invasions of privacy, and dangers to children of Web 2.0. A solution to these problems would be boycotting the services when they get excessively intrusive, finding alternatives, monitoring children activity on a computer, or simply not using these sites at all.

Typical sites include MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia.

The successor of Web 2.0 would be Web 3.0, with sites based on semantics.


  • "Collectives have a power to distort history in a way that damages minority viewpoints and calcifies the art of interpretation. Only the quirkiness of considered individual expression can cut through the nonsense of mob--and that is the reason intellectual activity is important." - Jaron Lanier[1]
  • "In all these cases, encapsulation is what allows for the possibility of testing and feedback that enables a quest for excellence. To be constantly diffused in a global mush is to embrace mundanity." - Jaron Lanier[2]
