Weird Al

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Alfred Matthew Yankovic, known popularly as Weird Al Yankovic was born 23 October 1959. He is a musician. He mostly sings and plays the accordion.

His top performing songs have always been "comedy songs" mostly through parodies of other "best seller songs" from popular artists. He not only parodies songs, but also creates parody music videos with a high sense of humor (one of the most popular examples in the 80's-90's were:

Most artists, like Kurt Cobain, consider it a great compliment to be parodied by Weird Al. It is a sign that they have achieved an elite level of cultural relevance. Weird Al and his staff always ask permission before doing a parody, and since the Coolio incident have been very careful to have a formal, documented process.

Weird Al's Achievements[edit]

  • He has sold more than 12 million albums in his career.
  • Weird Al has won 5 Grammy Awards during his career.

Career behind the scenes[edit]

Apart from his music. And his appearance on his own music videos. "Weird Al" has worked within the audiovisual industry several times.

  • He directed videos for top pop bands like: Hanson, Black Crowes or Presidents of USA.
  • He wrote and starred the movie UHF, and television series The weird Al Show.

Early life[edit]

Weird Al completed a bachelor's degree in Architecture at the request of his parents, who wanted him to have a stable career option in case music did not work out.


Studio albums[edit]

  • "Weird Al" Yankovic (1983)
  • "Weird Al" Yankovic in 3-D (1984)
  • Dare to Be Stupid (1985)
  • Polka Party! (1986)
  • Even Worse (1988)
  • UHF – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and Other Stuff (1989)
  • Off the Deep End (1992)
  • Alapalooza (1993)
  • Bad Hair Day (1996)
  • Running with Scissors (1999)
  • Poodle Hat (2003)
  • Straight Outta Lynwood (2006)
  • Alpocalypse (2011)
  • Mandatory Fun (2014)