
From Encyc

AboutUs is an online directory of websites. It was launched in 2006. AboutUs uses MediaWiki software to power the website. It isn't just ordinary MediaWiki like you would find on Wikipedia or Encyc. AboutUs has a special program (a bot) that searches for a domain name when one is typed in to the AboutUs search box. If there isn't already an article in the wiki, but the website exists, the bot logs on to the website, takes some "about" information from the site, and puts it in the AboutUs wiki. The AboutUs human volunteers can then improve the article, add some contact information about the website being written about, contact AboutUs, and request DoFollow links. Because of the bot that starts articles based on "about" information, AboutUs has more articles than Wikipedia, even though it has less views, less users, and less page edits. To be specific, AboutUs has over 20,000,000 articles. They do not have a policy on adult-content websites being written about, but they are not allowed to give such articles DoFollow links.

External link[edit]

AboutUs website