
From Encyc

What would be considered success for Encyc? 4 million articles? Being third most visited website on the Internet? Having at least two million quality articles in 200 languages? What would be considered success? How will Encyc get there?

Turn this site into a host for porn videos, then use the funds to hire experts who can write pages. !! 00:27, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
One hardly has to be an expert to write pages.
Regarding success, I actually had a rather humbler goal in mind at one point but have been somewhat lazy in getting it accomplished. I'd be willing to bet that a sizable percentage of Wikipedia's traffic goes to the top 100 pages. These are articles like "United States", "Barack Obama", "World War II", "Sex", etc. I'd like for Encyc to have its own version of these pages, and for the versions on Encyc to be better than the ones on Wikipedia. I don't think that this is all that hard to do.
For example, the Encyc PmWiki already has a better World War II article than Wikipedia. Emperor 02:47, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Those seem like fairly manageable goals. Nice. Not that I know anythign about anything anyway. :) Wikademia