Names Database

From Encyc

Names Database is a site in which people are encouraged to use their real names and real information (as opposed to internet aliases) in order to get into contact with people who they know, for example former high school (or even primary school) friends. It is the parent company of Class Mates, which specifically relates to finding friends from school.

People who use Names Database are then encouraged to refer all of their friends, hence sending it to everyone on their e-mail friends list. A person who is so referred then is listed on their profile, stating "referred by *****". The person who referred them is not the person who wrote their profile article. People write their own profile articles for themselves.

Names Database is dangerous in many ways because it uses people's real names, which can then be used as a vehicle to engage in cyber stalking, smear campaigns and cyber bullying, although in practice, because everyone uses their real names it is fairly safe. Sadly, if combined with someone finding out someone else's real name, it can be a serious danger.

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