Rosetta Code

From Encyc

Rosetta Code is a wiki for computer programmers. On the site, programmers can submit snippets of code in the form of tasks. On Rosetta Code, tasks show up with a list of programming languages. Under each language name is the source-code in that language to do it. Let's say you are a big fan of JavaScript programming. You can go to Category:JavaScript on the site, and see a list of tasks where JavaScript is an option. You can also see a list of users who use a particular language. Users with accounts can submit snippets, language pages, etc. to Rosetta Code. With templates, they can be on the user-list of programming (or other computer) languages they know. If they know a programming or other computer language that is not in Rosetta Code, they can create it as a category page (so that listings of tasks and user categories are automatic). If it is a programming language, they can just put a language template on the top. If it is some other kind of computer language (like HTML, XML, CSS or SVG) they can top it with the np language (not programming language) template. Then they can describe it. People can also put Mylang templates on their user-page to put themselves in groups for languages, so other users know what computer languages the user uses. If a language doesn't have a user group, you can still add yourself, follow the dead link to the blank edit page, use a Langgroup template with the name of the language, and create it. It is a collaborative programming reference.

External link[edit]

the Rosetta Code website