Venetian Princess

From Encyc

Jodi Rivera, known by most fans as Venetian Princess, is a musician/comedian/parody artist who became well-known mostly through her videos on YouTube. Her first videos were uploaded in 2006. Back then, she had a series of short films called the Princess Chronicles, and, in that series, she played as a princess portrayed as being Venetian. She was picked up by some magazines during 2007. In 2008, Venetian Princess started doing some music video parodies, including one of a Miley Cyrus song. Venetian Princess is most well-known for parody music videos to this date. Her parody of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" ("Outer Space") from June 2009 has gotten over 50 million hits to this date. She has done a large number of parody videos; several of Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and a few original songs. In July 2009, she released a CD of comedy songs entitled "Video Girl" under DFTBA Records (Don't Forget To Be Awesome Records). The CD is only available through, and a digital version is available through other sites, including iTunes and Amazon.

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