Vichy France

From Encyc

Vichy France was a German puppet state set up in the southeastern one-third of France during World War II. It existed from the Fall of France in June 1940, to the Liberation of Paris in August 1944. From that point until the end of the war Vichy leaders and some 6,000 collaborators fled to Sigmaringen, Germany.

It was led by Marshal Philippe Petain, a World War I war hero. Taking advantage of the tragic situation during France's defeat, he established himself as an authoritarian strongman. He used the powerful French fleet as a bargaining chip with Hitler and France's former allies rather than letting it sail to North Africa to help in France's liberation. After the war he was sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted.

Vichy troops fired on Americans coming ashore in Morocco during Operation Torch. They also helped round up Jews and send them to death camps.
