
From Encyc

Voldemort is the Potter's enemy. He has been trying to kill Harry Potter with a killer curse and it did not work. He did kill Harry Potter's parents though. Voldemort has returned to Hogwarts alive.In every book Voldemort shows up at some point.Mostly at the end of the school year so we can assume he really cares about Harry's education. Many wizards are afraid to say his name, so instead they say, "he-who-must-not-be-named" or "you-know-who". Voldemort's real name is Tom Marvelo Riddle, but he changed it because he didn't want to keep his father's name. Voldemort does not have a nose because in the fourth book he made himself BONES not cartilage.

Voldemort was a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts. You can tell by watching the 2nd movie 🎥. At Hogwarts he told on Hagrid and got him expelled.

Voldemort has split his soul into 7 horcruxes therefore if one horcrux is destroyed (his diary,locket,tiara ect.), he still survives.

Voldemort is the BAD guy in Harry Potter.