
From Encyc

Greeks and Italians hate each other? That's news to me! I've only ever seen them happily coexisting. Emperor 23:23, 31 August 2008 (EDT)

LOL you haven't read history? Greek was the great empire that then got taken off by Italy (Rome, specifically). There are so many stories about it that it isn't funny. In short, Greece claims to have invented everything that Rome ended up with, while Italy (Rome) claims that Greece didn't invent anything to begin with and/or are just sore losers. It is a big fight, possibly the biggest between any 2 nations on earth, and it continues to this day. Blissyu2 06:12, 3 September 2008 (EDT)
Not a fight, exactly. If anything, it's become more of a friendly rivalry. Both these groups are really nice people, and have been cooperating for thousands of years more often than not. Speaking of history, though, the Greeks have more reason to be wary of the Turks than of the Italians. You can actually see Turkey from parts of Greece, and there are still people around who remember the early 1920's. Emperor 07:24, 3 September 2008 (EDT)